Lab Diamond Eternity Ring Care Tips to Keep Your Sparkle Shining

Lab Diamond

Just as you need a spa day, we believe your lab diamond eternity ring does need a spa day too! While we do understand that you would want to go see a professional jeweler to get your ring cleaned, however, running to your local jeweler every now and then to get your ring cleaned can be quite daunting and heavy on your pocket too. Since these jewelers charge to clean your ring, we believe that just some readily available things can help you clean your ring in a jiffy. 

Without a doubt, we do know that your lab diamond eternity ring is special for you; hence, it deserves treatment that lets it shine for a really long time. With that being said, let us get started by knowing the tips recommended by the experts at Friendly Diamonds that would help you clean your ring from the comfort of your home! Friendly Diamonds is a leading retailer specializing in lab diamond engagement rings and fine jewelry. 

How to Clean a Lab Diamond Eternity Ring at Home?

The best way to clean your ring at home is with just a mild soap and some warm water. Are you surprised? Well, this is true; you can clean your ring with just these two simple things that you use every day. This is surely a fail-proof method for cleaning your diamond eternity ring. Considering you are dealing with something really expensive, you must understand the safest ways to handle and care for your diamond. Here is a detailed breakdown of what you should do: 

Clean with soap and water.

The simplest method to clean a lab-grown diamond is with stuff you already have at home! To get started, you’ll just need:

To clean jewelry

  • Use a soft-bristled brush and a fragrance-free soap or solution.
  • Clean and dry towels.
  • 2-4 cups lukewarm water in a bowl.

Steps to Clean Your Lab Diamond Eternity Ring: 

  • First, place a clean, dry cloth on the counter or cleaning surface.
  • Soak the loose lab grown diamond jewelry in a bowl of lukewarm water and soap (or jewelry solution) for approximately five minutes.
  • Then, with a soft-bristled brush, carefully clean and scour the diamond jewelry. To properly remove dirt and filth, rotate the brush in circles to reach all nooks and crannies. Take great care to keep the diamond above the towel and away from the floor or sink.
  • Place the diamond safely on the soft cloth, dump the bowl of water, and refill it with clean water.
  • Rinse the diamond jewelry pieces in fresh water to eliminate any soap or solution.
  • Now, using the second dry, clean cloth, gently polish the diamond jewelry dry.
  • Once you are done following these steps, all you have to do is place your diamond jewelry in your jewelry box safely. 

It was that simple to clean your lab diamond eternity ring! We hope you found this article on cleaning your diamond jewelry helpful! 

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